The Local Gathering


The Local is a network of Gospel communities that gather to learn about Jesus, grow together in community, and live on mission. These Gospel communities, Local Tables, are a place to build relationship in authentic community, learn about and discuss Scripture, and pray. This consistent gathering is meant to encourage and inspire Local members to share the life-changing hope of Jesus where they live, learn, work, and play.


The Local is built on three main pillars that represent the Church: Jesus, Community, and Mission. Jesus is at the center of all we do as a church collectively and as Christians individually. We experience, serve, and share Jesus from a place of gratitude and love. Community is a key component of a thriving church. We follow the blueprint in Acts 2, welcoming one another to our Tables and building authentic relationships. Jesus invites His followers to live on mission. We are called as individuals and Tables to expand the Good News of Jesus by meeting needs where we live, learn, work, and play.


The Local launched in the fall of 2019 in Austin, TX with PJ and Ashley Moon. Peter and Beth Green partnered with the Moons and launched The Local Olympia in November 2020. The first gathering was simple and small as the two of them gathered with their kids; Kira, Abigail, and Lucas. This gathering was special and felt like the perfect start to a home-based ministry with their family of five, sharing a meal, worshiping Jesus, and discussing the Word of God. 

Since then The Local has grown to be a consistent community for many. We believe that community is best built and developed when people are having fun and eating food. So naturally, we’ve built The Local around what we call Local Tables. Local Tables gather consistently to provide space for people to connect, support, and encourage one another. Local Tables also aim to make a positive impact on their local community. These missional opportunities can be large and small in scope, yet every opportunity is full of the hope and love of Jesus.


The Local is part of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. We believe in four essential truths: Jesus Christ the Savior, Jesus Christ the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ the Healer, and Jesus Christ the Soon Coming King. You can find out more about Foursquare and what we believe here or download Foursquare’s “Declaration of Faith” and “Creedal Statements” below.