Compelled to Care serves foster, adoptive and kinship families through building community, training and providing the community with opportunities to serve. Compelled to Care has been serving the caregiver community in Western Washington since 2015.
Being a foster, adoptive and kinship parent is exciting and messy because it's like bringing the mission field into your home. Being the hands and feet of Jesus and caring for the most vulnerable takes endurance. It requires community with others doing the same thing. The children also need to know they are not alone. This is why we offer lots of opportunities to build community for parents and kids. Research shows that kids do best in families. This is why we care for the whole family; not just the individual foster child. We also believe that God deeply cares for the vulnerable; especially children, so we are passionate about bringing a gospel lens to foster, adoptive and kinship care (Psalm 68:6).
How We Partner
The Local Olympia partners with Compelled to Care as we show love, support, and appreciation for foster, adoptive, and kinship families. Sometimes this means showing up to serve at a Caregiver Appreciation event and sometimes this means assembling Mother's Day baskets for Caregiver Moms. We are finding unique ways to partner and care for this amazing group as they care for the amazing kids in our community.